How to create a livecd without compiling everything.

Peter Wang peterwang at
Mon Apr 20 14:26:47 UTC 2009

Josh Paetzel <josh at> writes:

> On Apr 20, 2009, at 1:23 AM, Peter Wang wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> I want to create a customized freebsd livecd, and i have read quite a
>> lot guides about how to do that. but the problem is: most of these
>> need make buildworld, make buildkernel ... I think it's hard for my
>> notebook do that. so is there a simpler/quicker way in which i can
>> create a livecd, what i want to be included in the livecd are the base
>> freebsd system plus some customized packages/config files.
> In order to create a livecd you need to run mkisofs somewhere that has
> a complete copy of FreeBSD.  There are two options for this, one being
> running it against the live install of your system (ala /) and the
> other option is populating a stage directory.  Most guides assume that
> the easiest way to do this is via the DESTDIR=/mystagedir option of
> make installworld installkernel distribution, and it probably is the
> easiest way, assuming you have done make buildworld buildkernel
> In your case where this is an undesirable option you can do one of a
> few things.
> 1) Use the live system to build the stage directory...
> # mkdir /usr/mystage ; ( cd / ; tar --exclude /usr/mystage -cf - .) |
> ( cd /usrr/mystage -xf - )
Thanks for you advices, i'll try method 1) myself.

> 2) copy over /usr/src and /usr/obj from a faster machine that's run
> make buildworld buildkernel and then use make installworld
> intallkernel distribution to build the stage dir
> 3) Use your live system directly to run mkisofs
> Thanks,
> Josh Paetzel
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