Support for Apple iBook keyboards

jigger smith jigger at
Mon Apr 20 13:54:04 UTC 2009

Bruce Cran wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Apr 2009 15:12:16 +0100
> jigger smith <jigger at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to use FreeBSD on my Apple G4 iBook, can you tell me if
>> the ADB keyboard is supported in the latest version available?
>> I use FreeBSD on both my i386's and servers, so it would make sense to
>> use it on my laptop instead of OpenBSD.
> ADB support was added fairly recently and is only available on
> -current and hasn't been MFC'd to -stable.  On the G4 you'll probably
> want to run the following at the OpenFirmware prompt to make the CPU
> run at full speed:
> dev /cpus/PowerPC,G4 at 0
> set-dfs-high
> You can find powerpc -current ISO images at
> pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/200812 on most FreeBSD ftp mirrors - I can't
> find any newer images, they don't seem to have been built for powerpc in
> February.
Hi Bruce,

First, thanks very much for your help.

I downloaded the a iso of -current from a UK mirror. But when booting
from this, after showing all the devices as it loads it finally displays
  the following messages:

WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance
acd0: WARNING - SETFEATURE SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout -
         completing request directly
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (1 try left)
acd0: WARNING - SETFEATURE SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout -
         completing request directly
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (0 try left)
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG timed out

These messages are then repeated endlessly.

Also at the Openfirmware screen, as you suggested I typed:

dev /cpus/PowerPC,G4 at 0



which the response was: unknown word

Have you any idea what this is all about?

Kind regards,

Liam Sullivan

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