lightweight webserver that can run php
ol at
Sun Apr 19 15:44:46 UTC 2009
It says that distro available at has a number of known problems
related to using FastCGI SAPI in production servers. Also, it argues why
using FastCGI SAPI along with php-fpm is a good idea.
php-fpm addresses the following problems:
1. php daemonization
2. Process managing. Smooth php workers stop and restart without loosing queries.
Smooth config refresh and binaries with no lost queries.
3. Banning IP addresses for the web server.
4. Running workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment and different php.ini
options. Safe mode is no longer required!
5. Logging stdout & stderr working processes.
6. Emergency restart of all processes in case shared memory opcode cache is destroyed and if accelerator is in use.
7. Forced halting of hanged processes if set_time_limit() does not work.
There are also "special features" like Error header, Accelerated upload support,
fastcgi_finish_request(), Slowlog()
On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 10:45:51AM -0300, Alexandre Biancalana wrote:
> On 4/18/09, APseudoUtopia <apseudoutopia at> wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 2:19 AM, Andrew <awd at> wrote:
> ...
> >
> >
> > If you choose to run php via FastCGI, check out PHP-FPM. It's a patch
> > that greatly speeds up php's FastCGI performance. It honestly does
> > help significantly. There's a FreeBSD port in the "Archives Download"
> > section of the website.
> >
> Can you explain PHP-FPM ? Some parts of are
> not written in english...
> Regards,
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