Block device to regular file?

cpghost cpghost at
Tue Apr 14 16:17:28 UTC 2009

I'm trying to recover some deleted files from a UFS2 file
system with the sleuthkit. Unfortunatly, most sleuthkit
utilities expect regular image files and won't operate
on block devices:

  phenom# fls /dev/ad4s1e
  Sector offset supplied is larger than disk image (maximum: 0)

Of course, I could always dd(1) the block device into another
file system, and analyze that:

  phenom# dd if=/dev/ad4s1e of=/mnt/ad4s1e.dd
  phenom# fls /mnt/ad4s1e.dd | more

but unfortunatly, the file system I'm trying to analyze
is VERY large and I don't have enough disk space elsewhere
to take an image.

Now, is there an easy way to turn a block device into
something that would behave like a regular file?
Something like "mdconfig -t vnode", but in reverse?


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