make install krb5 conflict with heimdal

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Thu Apr 9 11:53:23 PDT 2009

On Apr 9, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Gary Gatten wrote:
> This actually makes a little sense - thanks for the pointers!
> G
> BTW: Is top posting bad?  I prefer top posts, but if the list doesn't
> like it I'll change.  I'll find the rules and read them!

Top posting is widely considered bad on the FreeBSD lists, yes.

Note that Kerberos is a complicated, many-headed beast and not just in  
the mythological sense.  You might have an easier time if you choose  
which flavor you want to use, and then maybe add WITH_KERBEROS=yes and/ 
or WITH_HEIMDAL=yes to /etc/make.conf, before firing off the tree of  
builds-- that will help the various ports and options screens figure  
out which one you wanted to use more consistently.

However, it looks like Samba is looking for HEIMDAL_HOME or KRB5_HOME  
to be defined instead of using the standard WITH_ flags; arguably, the  
port maintainer dwcjr@ should be checking the WITH_ flags instead.


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