anybody know about a 3.01 package *With* browser?

Adam Vandemore amvandemore at
Mon Apr 6 13:04:39 PDT 2009

Gary Kline wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 12:02:07AM -0400, Robert Huff wrote:
>> Tim Judd writes:
>>>  I don't understand the "months/years" or "weeks/days" symptom of OOo.
>>>  On my dual-core system at work,  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @
>>>  2.40GHz
>>>  Took about 4 hours.  It only seemed to utilize only 1 CPU...  my
>>>  top always said <=50% CPU usage
>> 	For comparison: on a P4/2.26ghz/2 gbyte RAM, lightly loaded
>> with fairly fast SCSI disks, it takes 30+ hours.
>> 				Robert Huff
> 	Sorry if this is getting old.... .
> 	I'm running two desktops, one 2.8GHz, this one 2.4.  Both with 
> 	"only" 1G ram.  I useemy hardware pretty intensively, not lightly
> 	loaded, and building a full-blown OO takes at least three days.
> 	---This is when I've got plenty of space.  With fewer than  5G
> 	disk, forget it.  That's why I want my next computer to be not
> 	only powerful but with diskspace to burn.
just got done compiling ooo3 devel on 1.4 gz pentium-m.  I think it took 
less than a day, 512 ram, nothing else running.

Adam Vandemore
Systems Administrator
IMED Mobility
(605) 498-1610

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