how to recover after power outage

John Almberg jalmberg at
Sun Apr 5 02:07:40 PDT 2009

On Apr 5, 2009, at 4:41 AM, Glen Barber wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 2:59 AM, John Almberg <jalmberg at>  
> wrote:
>> Blast... my beautiful FreeBSD servers were rudely switched off  
>> when my data
>> had a power outage a couple hours ago. They restored power about  
>> 30 minutes
>> later, and one box came up no problem.
>> The other has a login prompt on the serial console, but my login  
>> does not
>> work. I get a "Login incorrect" message, even though the username/ 
>> password
>> is correct.
> Can you log in as *any* user?  Even root login fails?

Can't log in at all.

>> When I try to SSH into the box, I get this (server name changed):
>> $ ssh user at -p 48420
>> ssh: connect to host port 48420: Connection refused
>> In other words, I seem to be locked out.
>> I don't want to do anything drastic without having a good idea  
>> what I'm
>> doing. Any suggestions, much appreciated.
> What was the previous (estimated) uptime on the machine?

Several months, at least.

> In other
> words, did you change something and not/forget to restart the service?

I don't believe so, but if I forgot it, then I guess anything is  

>  Have you tried ssh-ing to port 22 to see if the setting was changed
> back to default?

I can't at the moment, because the guys at NYI are working on the  
box. They have run fsck, which doesn't seem to have solved the problem.

> Are there any other services on this box?  If so, are they running?

The main app is MySQL. I don't think it is running, but can't really  
tell unless I can log in.

I have backups, and while NYI is trying to get this box running, I'm  
setting up a new database server, just in case...

-- John

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