hear no sound if acpi=on

kyanh xkyanh at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 23:46:09 PDT 2009

Hello all,

I have FreeBSD-7.1-RELEASE on my Laptop (compaq presario cq40-401 au). In formation of my devices can be found at

* http://viettug.org/attachments/download/128/icy_pciconf.txt (`pciconf -lbv`)
* http://viettug.org/attachments/download/132/icy_lspci_nn.txt (`lspci -nn`)
* http://viettug.org/attachments/download/147/icy_kernel.txt (the kernel configuration)

When I boot the system with `acpi=off`, I can hear the sound (snd_hda). But when `acpi` is used, I hear no sound though the driver seems to work and `mplayer` detects /dev/sp and /dev/mixer successfully.

$ cat /dev/sndstat
FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 32bit 2007061600/i386)
Installed devices:
pcm0: <ATI (Unknown) High Definition Audio Controller>
   at memory 0x92410000 irq 19 kld snd_hda [20080420_0052] [MPSAFE] (mixer only)
pcm1: <ATI SB600 High Definition Audio Controller> at memory
   0x92500000 irq 16 kld snd_hda [20080420_0052] [MPSAFE] (1p:1v/1r:1v
channels duplex)

I don't experience FreeBSD much. Could you help me to turn the sound on?

Thank you very much,


Ky Anh, Huynh
Homepage: http://viettug.org/

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