switching discs during install

FBSD1 fbsd1 at a1poweruser.com
Mon Sep 8 01:57:22 UTC 2008

All this talk about changing the order of the ports on the install cd's is
just so much hot air because cd's install media belong to the legacy world.
They are fast becoming obsolete just like floppy drives are. Can't even buy
a computer these days with a floppy drive and still FreeBSD distributes
floppy install images. How absurd is that?

FreeBSD needs to come of age in the 21st century and be changed to install
using USB memory flash stick technology. Just a little tweaking of the
sysinstall program to add USB stick as an option for source of install
source would do it.

Here is a little script to populate a USB flash stick with the cd1.iso that
you may find interesting. This way you can combine the cd1 & cd2 install
cd's to a 4GB USB stick and install the system and all the ports you want
without switching any install media. You could even use a USB flash stick as
the target to install FreeBSD on giving you an mobile FreeBSD system you can
plug into any computer and boot from.

#Purpose = Use to transfer the FreeBSD install cd1 to
#          a bootable 1GB USB flash drive so it can be used to install from.
#          First fetch the FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso to your
#          hard drive /usr. Then execute this script from the command line
# fbsd2usb /usr/6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso /usr/6.2-RELEASE-i386-disc1.img
# Change system bios to boot from USB-dd and away you go.

# NOTE: This script has to be run from root and your 1GB USB flash drive
#       has to be plugged in before running this script.

# On the command line enter fbsd2usb iso-path img-path

# You can set some variables here. Edit them to fit your needs.

# Set serial variable to 0 if you don't want serial console at all,
# 1 if you want comconsole and 2 if you want comconsole and vidconsole

set -u

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 source-iso-path output-img-path"
    exit 1

isoimage=$1; shift
imgoutfile=$1; shift

# Temp  directory to be used later
#export tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t fbsdmount)
export tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /usr/fbsdmount)

export isodev=$(mdconfig -a -t vnode -f ${isoimage})

ISOSIZE=$(du -k ${isoimage} | awk '{print $1}')
SECTS=$((($ISOSIZE + ($ISOSIZE/5))*4))
#SECTS=$((($ISOSIZE + ($ISOSIZE/5))*2))

echo " "
echo "### Initializing image File started ###"
echo "### This will take about 4 minutes ###"
dd if=/dev/zero of=${imgoutfile} count=${SECTS}
echo "### Initializing image File completed ###"

echo " "
ls -l ${imgoutfile}
export imgdev=$(mdconfig -a -t vnode -f ${imgoutfile})

bsdlabel -w -B ${imgdev}
newfs -O1 /dev/${imgdev}a

mkdir -p ${tmpdir}/iso ${tmpdir}/img

mount -t cd9660 /dev/${isodev} ${tmpdir}/iso
mount /dev/${imgdev}a ${tmpdir}/img

echo " "
echo "### Started Copying files to the image now ###"
echo "### This will take about 10 minutes ###"

( cd ${tmpdir}/iso && find . -print -depth | cpio -dump ${tmpdir}/img )

echo "### Completed Copying files to the image ###"

if [ ${serial} -eq 2 ]; then
        echo "-D" > ${tmpdir}/img/boot.config
        echo 'console="comconsole, vidconsole"' >>
elif [ ${serial} -eq 1 ]; then
        echo "-h" > ${tmpdir}/img/boot.config
        echo 'console="comconsole"' >> ${tmpdir}/img/boot/loader.conf

echo " "
echo "### Started writing image to flash drive now ###"
echo "### This will take about 20 minutes ###"
dd if=${imgoutfile} of=/dev/da0 bs=1m
echo "### Completed writing image to flash drive at ###"

cleanup() {
    umount ${tmpdir}/iso
    mdconfig -d -u ${isodev}
    umount ${tmpdir}/img
    mdconfig -d -u ${imgdev}
    rm -rf ${tmpdir}


ls -lh ${imgoutfile}

echo "### Script finished ###"

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