5 TB server

Johan Hendriks Johan at double-l.nl
Fri Nov 28 05:59:46 PST 2008

>Onderwerp: 5 TB server

>Hello community,

> I have to come up with a solution for a company that has as we speak
>4 TB of data spread among 3 computers with lots of HDDs. Of course
>i've recommend
>them to buy a server for that storage capacity and for data organization.

> I thought of going on the ZFS way (on FreeBSD of course) with some
>raidz. One of the problems
>is that the server will stay in their office so it has to be quite silent.

> I honestly don't know what hardware to look for so if you have any >suggestions
>i'm more than open to hear them.

>a great day,

Well if you mean a lot of disk then you mean a lot of heat, and with that comes good cooling and with that comes fans and most of them when running at full speed will give you some noise.

I have some HP Proliants running but those are no fun under your desk even if the fans are running at a lower level.

So it is better to put the server in a separate room with proper cooling or else you are surely going to get hit with faulty hardware because of the heat.

In short a server needs cooling and most cooling gives noise, that is just the way it is.

Johan Hendriks

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