Installing gimp from ports, need a GTK+, what port is it

RW fbsd06 at
Sun Nov 23 20:36:46 PST 2008

On Sun, 23 Nov 2008 20:23:58 -0700
Andrew Falanga <af300wsm at> wrote:

> HI,
> I'm installing gimp from ports.  I've recently done a csup on my
> ports tree and was happily working through the issues that were
> coming up while installing.  Normally, the issues were only due to a
> particular package that was installed, such as poppler, being older
> than the one gimp wanted.  So, a call to portupgrade fixed it.

I'd suggest that you install gimp with portinstall (portupgrade -N),
which is supposed to take care of upgrading dependencies. 

Personally, I just bring my existing ports up-to-date before installing
new ports - in the long-term I think it's less hassle if you regard
your own time as more valuable than the CPU's. 

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