Official FreeBSD Forums

John Nielsen lists at
Mon Nov 17 11:22:29 PST 2008

On Sunday 16 November 2008 11:04:28 am Brad Davis wrote:
> The FreeBSD project is finally, after much work, pleased to announce
> the availability of an official FreeBSD web based discussion forum.

Thank you!

For problem-solving and discussion my personal preference is still for 
mailing lists, but given this announcement I decided to check out the 
forums. I am impressed by the layout and design and the thought that has 
obviously gone into setting up the categories, etc. I think the Howto/FAQ 
section alone will be a tremendous resource even for those of us who 
generally stick to mailing lists. It's only been online for a day and 
I've already learned something by scanning the rapidly growing number of 
posts in that section.

The forums also provide a valuable means for those of us who don't 
frequently contribute code to support the community in other ways. 
Timely, helpful answers to questions of all levels combined with 
moderation and involvement from a large community of users will make the 
site a valuable, lasting resource for the projet. I hope to contribute 
what I can and encourage others to do the same.


John Nielsen

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