re changing from vista

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Sun Nov 16 15:49:15 PST 2008

> I *do* want to see a discussion of the FreeBSD project's goals, as part
> of the answer the OP's question about which platform to use instead of
> Windows. The more people understand what FreeBSD's design goals are, the
> better they'll be able to decide if it also meets their goals.

they can read it on webpage.

> Wojciech, you seem to be saying that accommodating "Windoze" users is
> not and should not be a goal for FreeBSD.  I respect that opinion.  I
> just want to know if it's shared by the project leaders.

me to. it's important. i'd like to plan ahead. if their opinion is 
opposite, FreeBSD will turn into crap within 2-3 years as every other 
project. there are no exceptions to that rule.

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