FreeBSD 5.4 - filesystem full

Adrian Penisoara ady at
Wed Nov 12 10:13:02 PST 2008


  What kind of applications are you running on the machine ? Are they
mmap'ing files on the filesystem in quesiton (which one ?) ?
  AFAIR even if you delete a big file the disk space may not be
reclaimed if a process still has the file open.

  If you reboot the machine or restart some of the applications, does
the issue disappear ?


On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Varshavchick Alexander
<alex at> wrote:
> I have an old enough server with FreeBSD 5.4 which from time to time
> complains about filesystem full. But the problem is that the partition in
> question has about 15G free space and more than 10000000 free inodes. Then
> all by itself the error dissapears, only to be repeated several hours later.
> What can it be and where to look? The server runs mainly apache and
> sendmail, nothing special.
> Thanks and regards
> ----
> Alexander Varshavchick, Metrocom Joint Stock Company
> Phone: (812)718-3322, 718-3115(fax)
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