Openoffice 3.0.0 - spellchecker not functioning

Craig Butler craig001 at
Fri Nov 7 06:17:47 PST 2008

On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 18:13 +0000, Mike Clarke wrote:
> I've installed from ports on my 6.4-RC1 
> system. The install, using the command  
> portinstall  -m "LOCALIZED_LANG=en-GB -DWITH_KDE" 
> editors/, appeared to complete OK and I can 
> run /usr/local/bin/ but attempts to check 
> spelling in a document with known spelling errors always fail to find 
> any errors.
> The "Available language modules" section in Tools - Options - Language 
> Settings - Writing Aids" is empty, unlike my copy of Openoffice 2.3 
> which has 3 entries in this section.
> Should the language modules have been installed or have I missed 
> anything when installing the port?

Hi Mike,

Don't think ya missed anything, I am in the same boat...
I also compiled with the LOCALIZED_LANG=en-GB flag.

Anybody with a solution ? my spelling isn't that good so would need to
spell check my documents.


Craig B

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