disappearing mouse pointer
traveling08 at cox.net
Mon Nov 3 13:04:23 PST 2008
On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 15:11:50 -0400
Bryant Eadon <bryant.eadon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:38:39 -0700
> > Robert <traveling08 at cox.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Greetings FreeBSD
> >>
> >> When running XFCE4 I will lose the mouse pointer at times. This
> >> will only happen when I have the driver set to "nv" in xorg.conf.
> >> The mouse will still work as I can see where it is when I pass
> >> over icons and watch them highlight. If I can stop on an icon, I
> >> can click and it works.
> >>
> >> If I drop out of the XFCE4 using ctl-alt-backspace, the mouse
> >> pointer appears and all is well. If I restart the XFCE4, there is
> >> no pointer. If I change the driver to "vesa" and restart then I
> >> have a pointer again. The only way I have found to regain the
> >> pointer using "nv" is to reboot.
> >>
> >> All ports are up to date and I am running amd64 RELENG_7 as of last
> >> Saturday.
> >>
> >> uname -a
> >> FreeBSD asus64.shasta204.local 7.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD
> >> 7.1-PRERELEASE #1: Sat Oct 18 13:31:00 PDT 2008
> >> root at asus64.shasta204.local:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
> >>
> >> If I should have posted to a different list please let me know. I
> >> have also attached my xorg.conf.
> >>
> >> TIA
> >>
> >> Robert
> >
> > Five days and no responses, so maybe more information. On this
> > computer I have on board GeForce 6100.
> >
> > vgapci0 at pci0:0:5:0: class=0x030000 card=0x81bf1043
> > chip=0x024210de rev=0xa2 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Nvidia Corp'
> > device = 'GeForce 6100'
> > class = display
> > subclass = VGA
> >
> > I have the same exact release and ports running on a different
> > computer equipped with a GeForce 6800 XT in an AGP slot without a
> > problem. The big difference is that other computer is running
> > i386. It is using "nv" driver without any problems.
> >
> > Can anyone point me in the right direction. Feel free to tell me
> > where to go. :-)
> >
> > Thanks
> > Robert
> >
> This seems like a very strange problem. Let's try focusing on XFCE
> first.
> Are any processes conflicting with drawing something on the screen,
> from your description it seems like XFCE is a problem, but do other
> window managers do the same thing ?
> If it's not wm specific then I'd try chasing down the developers of
> xf86-video-nv . Here is a starting point :
> http://www.t2-project.org/packages/xf86-video-nv.html
> Does the driver support any sort of 'debug' mode that you could log
> to file ?
> ....
> Taking a walk through xf86-video-nv, it looks like there are a few
> bitshift and & operators that use pointer and move things to and
> fro. ( in 64-bit land that maybe these moves should be handled
> differently ? Or are these magic numbers? )
> Take a look into the source, nv_cursor.c
> Examining these lines :
> if ( m & 0x80000000)
> *dst = ( b & 0x80000000) ? pNv->curFg : pNv->curBg;
> else
> This case draws the pixel transparently if it fails the test -- which
> seems to coincide with what you're seeing. This is just a wild
> guess, it could be used elsewhere though with the same affect.
> But then again, since this is working at all, then it may point to
> 1. the wm
> 2. Xorg may have a problem reporting it to the wm
> Hope it helps. Report back if you have any progress.
> Later,
> Bryant
I waited to answer so that I could do further testing.
I first moved .xinitrc out of the way so I would load the default wm,
"twm". It only took a couple of days and I lost the mouse cursor.
I had a spare slice on a separate disk, so I installed the i386 version
of 7 Beta 2 from CD. I updated it to stable and installed most of my
packages, including XFCE4.
I made the mistake of copying over all of my config files from the
AMD64 version and the problem recurred. I then cleaned all of my
packages with pkg_delete *. I cleaned out my home directory
and /usr/local. I then reinstalled all of the necessary packages. It
took a few says but it happened again.
I moved my .xinitrc out of the way and was using "twm" since last
Friday. About an hour ago I returned to my computer and the mouse
cursor was missing.
Evidently, the problem is something to do with my hardware that the
"nv" driver does not like. I guess we can close this out as weird
hardware problems. For the record, here is what I have:
A8N-VM motherboard with 2 Gig of RAM (4x500)
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (2009.16-MHz 686-class CPU)
On board video is GeForce 6100
Wireless mouse and keyboard through a PS2 KVM (happened before the kvm
If anyone needs more information I will be happy to provide it but for
me, I will just live with it.
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