Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

Steve Lake steve.lake at raiden.net
Fri May 30 22:55:22 UTC 2008

         Hi everyone.  I was wondering if anybody here might be interested 
in writing and donating a few Freebsd tutorials or articles to Raiden's 
Realm to help us boost the number of Freebsd related articles on the 
site.  A lot of what we have is Linux oriented right now because most of 
the people there are Linux oriented.  I'm one of the few who's Freebsd 
oriented.  And since my goal is to help people learn both Linux and 
Freebsd, I'm looking for people willing to help out by writing long or 
short tutorials on doing a variety of simple and complex tasks in Freebsd.

         The site is completely non-profit and is very new user 
oriented.  I've even written a number of tutorials over the past couple of 
years focusing on several things involving Freebsd, from setting up a 
firewall, a workstation, and a file and mail server, to exploring the heart 
of Freebsd in order to help draw new users into our world.  But my 
knowledge only goes so far, and I've seen that you guys really have a lot 
of great knowledge and information to share and if possible, I'd love to 
see a few of you share that knowledge through articles and tutorials on my 

         My simple goal is to help people, and to promote Freebsd (well, 
and Linux too.  hehe) as much as I can to new users.  If anyone's willing 
to help, please let me know, or just shoot me something whenever you get 
the time.  I'm not trying to beg or anything, but rather I'm trying to 
encourage others here to help new users through the web.  Not everyone will 
know about this mailing list, or want to sign up to it.  There's a lot of 
lurkers out there these days, and if you have a good tutorial or article 
posted on a website, it'll improve the chances of them hearing and learning 
about Freebsd.

         Thanks for taking the time to read this.  And if you can help out, 
I'd appreciate it.  Also, I'm not advertising the site.  Just asking for 
some help.  Since open source is about sharing, it only stands to reason 
that some sharing can and should be done as well on the web.  :)

Steven Lake
Owner/Technical Writer
Raiden's Realm
Bringing Linux and BSD to the World

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