service (torque) not starting at boot time on 7.0

Sahil Tandon sahil at
Fri May 30 04:14:15 UTC 2008

joe park <hjjp76 at> wrote:

> I've searched the mailing list, but it didn't help the issue I'm seeing. I 
> did fresh install of 7.0, downloaded latest ports.tar.gz, and installed 
> torque (portable batch system) from ports.  Everything works fine once the 
> deamon is running, but the services (namely, pbs_mom, pbs_server, and 
> pbs_sched) are not started automatically when the system boots.  I can 
> manually start them without a problem with 
>     /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pbs_mom start
>     /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pbs_server start
>     /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pbs_sched start
> The /etc/rc.conf file correctly has following entries :
>     pbs_mom_enable="YES"
>     pbs_server_enable="YES"
>     pbs_sched_enable="YES"
> When I added "rc_debug="YES", I see that it's not processing any of pbs 
> related process.

I cannot reproduce this problem on a fresh install of 7.0 with the latest 
version of torque.  Do you see any clues in /var/log/messages?  On my system, 
with rc_debug="YES" in /etc/rc.conf (with some truncation to allow for 

% awk '/DEBUG/ && /pbs/ && /check/' /var/log/messages
beast root: /etc/rc: DEBUG: checkyesno: pbs_server_enable is set to YES.
beast root: /etc/rc: DEBUG: checkyesno: pbs_sched_enable is set to YES.
beast root: /etc/rc: DEBUG: checkyesno: pbs_mom_enable is set to YES.
The pbs_* lines are processed at boot. 

Sahil Tandon <sahil at>

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