Stumped:: web HTML. Caution, may be OT.
Kevin Downey
redchin at
Thu May 29 07:38:07 UTC 2008
On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt
<tedm at> wrote:
> Don't bother, Gary.
> The world is moving towards CMS systems for hosting websites.
> The ultra-cheapo people use godaddy's site builder and
> put crap on a crappy-looking interface.
> The better hosting companies each have their own site builders
> and look better, and are populated by acres of garden-variety corporate
> and the occassional personal sites.
> Very, very few people custom-write sites in HTML anymore.
> Most people use sitebuilding software (frontpage was the original,
> it's deprecated now in favor of other newer tools) either running
> on their PC or on the server.
> black text on blue is terribly hard to read for most people,
> read up on how the human eye works to understand why.
> Put your time into loading a CMS system on your server then
> create your site in it. Yes the learning curve is steep in
> the beginning but it's not rote memorization of HTML tags. It
> is understanding how all the things work together.
> Ted
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-freebsd-questions at
>> [mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at]On Behalf Of Gary Kline
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:58 PM
>> To: FreeBSD Mailing List
>> Subject: Stumped:: web HTML. Caution, may be OT.
>> Several weeks ago a friend asked why my page
>> was so hard to read. She said that part of my text was black
>> on the deep-blue bg on my RHS. I stopped and checked with
>> firefox; things looked fine. I've done all markup by hand since
>> '94, very carefully, with only browsers in the ports tree--
>> mozilla, firefox, a couple others.
>> About a week ago I viewed my homepage with KDE Konq and almost
>> flipped out. One "free" commercial historical calender event
>> feature was glued to the bottom of my blue bar (<TABLE></TABLE>)
>> on the RHS of the page. And yep, the new text and other things
>> were centered in the middle of the long blue rectangle.
>> Since I have a few weeks now to work on things beside research,
>> it's time to update my main web page. My friend was using IE;
>> it may be that Konqueror uses a similar parser to position
>> things on a .php or .html page.
>> Other than beginning from Zero and trying to determine exactly
>> what causes firefox and konq to diverge, do any of you have any
>> other ideas? I've never learned an HTML editors because of the
>> learning curve. But:: if/when I come up with a better design for
>> my home page, I'm willing to try again:: any best (simple) HTML
>> editors in ports?
>> I'd be much obliged for any help here.
>> gary
>> --
>> Gary Kline kline at Public Service Unix
Let be the first of many to say, please do not top post.
In a recent interview it was revealed that the New York Times does a
lot of by hand html writing because it just gets you better html.
Konq uses more or less the same rendering engine as Safari.
-- break down of modern webdesign
The Mafia way is that we pursue larger goals under the guise of
personal relationships.
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