Mysql 5 installation problem

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Tue May 27 03:59:25 UTC 2008

In the last episode (May 27), Mohammad Khashashneh said:
> I'm having a problem with port dependencies. I want to install mysql
> 5 so I used the available port in
> /usr/ports/databases/mysql50-client
> However I get the following message upon installation:
> # make install
> ===>  Installing for mysql-client-5.0.18_1
> ===>  mysql-client-5.0.18_1 conflicts with installed package(s):
>       mysql-client-4.1.18_1
>       They install files into the same place.
>       Please remove them first with pkg_delete(1).
> *** Error code 1
> # pkg_delete mysql-client-4.1.18_1
> pkg_delete: package 'mysql-client-4.1.18_1' is required by these other
> packages
> and may not be deinstalled:
> kde-3.5.1
> koffice-1.4.2_3,1
> php5-mysql-5.1.2_1
> Is there a way around this? I hope I don't have to remove kde3 and
> koffice because I'm sure this will not be the end of it.

You can use portupgrade to upgrade the mysql-client port from
mysql-client-4.1.18_1 to mysql-client-5.0.18_1.  Portupgrade will keep
the old shared libs in /usr/local/lib/compat/pkg/ so your old ports
will still work.

portupgrade -o databases/mysql50-client mysql-client-4.1.18_1

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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