VPN setup question

Steve Lake steve.lake at raiden.net
Sun May 18 22:01:01 UTC 2008

At 10:53 PM 5/18/2008 +0200, Mister Olli wrote:
>first you should consider the following questions:
>- what kind of VPN do you wanna use? (SSL or IPSec based)

         From what I remember of my security training years ago, IPSec was 
always better.  So I'd likely go with that.

>- what kind of authentication? (user or certificate based)

         Definitely user, unless you think certificate is better.

>- what kind of traffic do you wanna protect?

         Everything if possible.  Basically I'm trying to create a 
protected Internet connection by using the VPN to allow me to connect to my 
vpn server at my home office over an insecure public connection.  I would 
then use that vpn connection to securely securely surf the web from 
anywhere in the US or the world.

>- do you wanna transport data between two host, from host-to-network or

         I'm not sure which would be best.  Can you suggest one based on 
the previous answer?  Thanks.

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