Problems with Apache-2.2.8 & PHP5 (+extensions) ports

Peter Boosten peter at
Sun May 18 15:16:15 UTC 2008

Mel wrote:
>> [notice] child pid 31685 exit signal Illegal instruction (4)
> That would mean faulty CFLAGS when building or faulty asm in c files, usually 
> seen in multimedia apps (seriously doubt that applies here). 

I thought so at first. I had these in my /etc/make.conf, but rebuild 
every port without them:

CPUTYPE=       i686
CFLAGS=        -O -pipe
COPTFLAGS=     -O -pipe

> I don't think 
> there's anything binary in joomla, but you may want to inspect the code in 
> those faulty links. It might just shell_exec() an old binary you have lying 
> around.

Both FreeBSD, apache, php and joomla were fresh installs.

Thanks for your answer.


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