Problems with Apache-2.2.8 & PHP5 (+extensions) ports

Peter Boosten peter at
Sun May 18 15:14:11 UTC 2008

Reko Turja wrote:
>> Whenever I click these, my browser wants to save a blank php-page, 
>> Apache reports this:
>> [notice] child pid 31685 exit signal Illegal instruction (4)
> I've got signal 4's with PHP earlier, but I can't for now remember the 
> exact cause. Usually my PHP problems have related to having module 
> conflict in PHP, especially recode has been problematic. The solution 
> has been commenting out extensions from 
> /usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini and then adding them back one by one 
> until the problem returns - the last one added is the one causing the 
> conflict. Of course you have to keep at least some extensions available 
> in order to keep the website you're testing functional - databases etc.


That's actually a good pointer. I'll try tonight.

> Other solution is trying to tweak the extension load order in 
> extensions.ini after you have found the extension causing the crash.
> Other possible thing is accidentally building PHP against the wrong 
> Apache if I recall right - in your case building Apache2 or Apache1 
> version when you are running Apache22.

How would I do that? I installed Apache22 from ports and after that PHP. 
It never asked for any apache version.


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