another problem

Sahil Tandon sahil at
Sat May 17 18:15:13 UTC 2008

* John Wynstra <jwynstra at> [05-17-2008]:

> The *portsnap fetch extract* seems to have failed.  I do *pkg_version -v* 
> and openoffice-2 does not appear in the listing.  Why not?  
Because it is not installed?

> previous /usr/ports tree came from a tar extract I took from the internet 
> and not the installation CDROM.  Should I clean out some INDEX files and 
> redo this step or is that done automatically?  I just now did another 
> *portsnap fetch update* and was not listed among the new 
> ports.  Of course *pkg_version -v* gives me an incomplete listing.

It does not matter where your ports tree came from.  Go to:

and follow the instructions to update your tree. 

> Now what is -lgio-2.0? and why is it missing?

This is related to glib2.0.

Sahil Tandon <sahil at>

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