rsync'able ports tree instead of csup?

RW fbsd06 at
Wed May 14 00:18:17 UTC 2008

On Tue, 13 May 2008 13:27:05 -0400
"Joachim Rosenfeld" <joerosenfeld at> wrote:

> My usual workflow with the ports tree (and to a lesser
> extent, /usr/src) goes something like this:
>     1. download ports/src tree from cdrom/ftp site (usually done once)
>     2. use csup to update to HEAD
>     3. build

As I understand it, it's advisable  do an initial csup to the exact
version in the snapshot, before doing the csup to the latest
version. If you skip this then csup wont delete files removed
between the snapshot and the current tree. If you are unlucky that
could lead to persistent problems that are hard to diagnose.

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