coretemp 70C = CPU too hot?

Josh Carroll josh.carroll at
Fri May 9 06:20:02 UTC 2008

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Nerius Landys <nlandys at> wrote:
> Howdy.  I purchased a 1U 10 inch deep server machine a few months ago:
> The CPU is a Xeon 3xxx dual core 2.4 GHz.  The machine has no case fans, by
> design.

Which exact Xeon part number is it? You can look up the thermal
specification on Intel's web site:

Looks like most of the 2.4 GHz Xeons' maximum operating temperature is
65C, but one of them is 85C. So let's hope you have that particular
part (the X3220). :)

Anyway, that should confirm whether it is "too hot" or not.


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