Nut problem and last message repeated in dmesg

Derek Ragona derek at
Thu May 1 18:14:42 UTC 2008

At 04:01 AM 5/1/2008, Olivier GARNIER wrote:
>There are my questions:
> > Does anyone become to correct the same problem and can help me to correct
> > Can anyone tell my how to see the "last message" which is repeated hundred
>I've got an MGE ellipse 750 USBS.
>I've connected it to my server with USB cable.
>I've installed NUT via ports.
>Now this service is crashing very often.
>For example it crashes yesterday 23h16, I restarted it and when I watch it
>today :
># dmesg - a
>Apr 30 23:12:38 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>Apr 30 23:16:28 myhost last message repeated 46 times
>Apr 30 23:16:33 myhost upsmon[1011]: Poll UPS [ellipse at localhost] failed -
>Server disconnected
>May  1 08:57:44 myhost upsmon[1011]: Poll UPS [ellipse at localhost] failed -
>Data stale
>May  1 08:58:19 myhost last message repeated 7 times
>May  1 09:00:24 myhost last message repeated 25 times
>May  1 09:10:29 myhost last message repeated 121 times
>May  1 09:20:34 myhost last message repeated 121 times
>May  1 09:30:35 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>May  1 09:40:40 myhost last message repeated 121 times
>May  1 09:50:40 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>May  1 10:00:40 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>May  1 10:10:40 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>May  1 10:20:40 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>May  1 10:30:40 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>May  1 10:40:40 myhost last message repeated 120 times
>[myuser at myhost ~]$ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut stop
>Stopping nut.
>Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.2.1
>[myuser at myhost ~]$ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut start
>Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.2.1
>Network UPS Tools: 0.29 USB communication driver - core 0.32 (2.2.1)
>Using subdriver: MGE HID 1.01
>Starting nut.
>Network UPS Tools upsd 2.2.1
>listening on port 3493
>Connected to UPS [ellipse]: usbhid-ups-ellipse

Make sure you are using the correct driver.  Nut has consolidated and 
changed drivers in recent releases.


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