FreeBSD 6.3 xl0: watchdog timeout

Jose Garcia Juanino jjuanino at
Sat Mar 29 13:59:06 PDT 2008

El sábado 29 de marzo a las 19:07:37 CET
> Hi
> I have a problen with FreeBSD 6.3. When I boot, I get the message
>   xl0: watchdog timeout
> and I have no networking. I have 3com ethernet card.
> If i make ping on localhost it works good. But if i try to ping anything
> else it didn't work. When I plug the 3com ethernet card into other
> systemblock with FreeBSD 6.2, and activeted it. All worked good.
> Help to solve this problem. Maby it is problem with BIOS?

Have you ACPI enabled? If so, disable ACPI and try again.

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