Anyone have Comcast for an ISP?

Gerard Seibert gerard at
Sat Mar 22 04:58:06 PDT 2008

On Sat, 22 Mar 2008 02:33:13 -0400
Allen <doomnix at> wrote:

> Does anyone on here have comcast for an ISP? I use them and today I
> was messing around on a machine I use for FTP service over my LAN (Not
> accessible from the net so I'm not worried about using it for back
> ups) and anyway, I wanted to set up one of my comcast accounts on it
> so I could do as I've done for years, and use SSH to log into that
> machine and use fetchmail to grab my email off comcast, and then use
> Mutt to check it since I really like Mutt.
> Well, I got sendmail up ad tested that ti was working and it was
> working fine. After that I tried sending a test email with Mutt.
> For some reason ti failed even though it was the backed up copy of my
> Muttrc that I used to use on EVERY machine I used mutt on. I always
> backed it up because I had it looking really nice with colors and also
> my email address was in there and I built in a mini addy book for my
> friends and mailing lists I'm on so I didn't have to worry about an
> address book being deleted by accident.
> Well, it failed horribly. I can't send an email because it's blocked,
> and also, using fetchmail isn't exactly working either and I can't
> stand how getmailrc works....
> So does anyone here use Comcast and Mutt for an email client that
> could maybe reply and let me know how they do it? Id' like to use
> Mutt and also I do like how simple fetchmail is to use, so fi you use
> these and have Comcast for internet please reply with how you did it.
> I'm googling right now but everything I find isn't exactly helpful,
> so if anyone here uses Mutt and has Comcast please let me know how
> you did it.
> Thanks much,
> -Allen

I am presently using Comcast in New York. They are actively blocking
outgoing port 25. You need to use port 587 with authentication to get
mail working correctly. I have a web server and FTP server all working
on the standard ports however. Even fetchmail works OK. In any case, on
July 1, I hope to be switching to FIOS and getting rid of this outdated
and slow cable system.

gerard at

Every morning is a Smirnoff morning.
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