DNS Question

David Alanis canito at dalan.us
Wed Mar 5 16:01:15 UTC 2008

Hi Erik:

I don't recall the how-to explaining the usage of this script. I too,  
just recently setup a DNS server for a couple domains. My  
recommendation is to familiarize yourself with the Administrators  
Reference Manual (ARM) on BIND's website:


I found it more valuable than just following someone else's simple steps!

David Alanis

Quoting ?? <jgh2008 at 126.com>:

> Hello,
> I am building the DNS Server,But I can't find the script   
> "/etc/namedb/make-localhost" used in the document, So I can't go on   
> now? Please tell me how to find the script,Thank you very much!
> Best Regards!
> Freebsd Lover:Erik
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