Problems opening mail on this list

Andrew Berry andrewberry at
Wed Jun 11 19:03:00 UTC 2008

Oliver Fromme wrote:
> Paul Schmehl wrote:
>  > [...]
>  > By default, it appears that Mailman does not do content filtering.  It also has 
>  > pass rules (if filtering is enabled) for multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative 
>  > and text/plain.  So, it's possible that MIMEDefang is the culprit instead.
> It's documented in the FreeBSD Handbook:
> Best regards
>    Oliver
Good find - it looks like Mail is using application/pkcs7-signature, 
while Thunderbird is using , application/x-pkcs7-signature, which is 
allowed. According to, 
either is an acceptable mime type. So I guess I should email the list 
admins and ask them to allow that mime type, since they are allowing 
signatures anyways on the list.

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