Problems opening mail on this list

Paul Schmehl pschmehl_lists at
Tue Jun 10 17:07:55 UTC 2008

--On Tuesday, June 10, 2008 13:00:13 -0400 Bob McConnell <rvm at> wrote:

> Andrew,
> I have Outlook/Office 2003 SP3 with an Exchange server. Unfortunately,
> that means I do not have access to the raw messages, nor can I look at
> the full set of footers. Someone suggested your signature may be getting
> mangled by the listserve. Another reply said they have never seen any of
> your messages, so their SPAM filter appears to be blocking you.

The message that Andrew sent in response to you did not have a digital 
signature on it.  I don't know if that means it was stripped by the list 
software or he didn't sign the message.

Andrew, maybe you could send a signed message, state in the body that it was 
signed, and then I can look at the headers and tell you what's going on.

Paul Schmehl
As if it wasn't already obvious,
my opinions are my own and not
those of my employer.

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