Installing freeBSD

Jos Chrispijn jos at
Mon Jun 9 19:45:45 UTC 2008

Huu Daud wrote:
> Iam new to this forum and to the Unix.My interest is to install and configure freeBSD on my desktop computer.I have downloaded the iso for i386.
> and burn on the CD and DVD.My problem is when I boot from the CD or DVD ,it didnt send me to the screen for selection options as it is shown on the web.Instead, it sends me to the A drive prompt(DOS).Is it possible to install from the DOS?.How then
Just start up Nero Express; then you will get a window in which you can 
choose 'Disc Image or Saved Project'.
When you click on that option, you can choose the location of the .iso file.

Did you ftp the .iso file? Then first try thru _http_ and process the above.

That you burn your iso on a Windows machine has nothing to do with the 

-- Jos

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