why is this script failing?

Norberto Meijome freebsd at meijome.net
Wed Jul 16 01:42:16 UTC 2008

On Tue, 15 Jul 2008 14:50:24 -0700
Gary Kline <kline at thought.org> wrote:

> 	thanks for this clarification!  until yesterday, whe  you
> 	mmentioned blanks[whitespace], as id a song title, i  hadn't
> 	tought about songs like "Not Ready to Make Nice.ogg" e.g.
> 	I am not sure why these players store the  song in wav format
> 	without deleting the files, but when my limited /tmp is full,
> 	certain aps fail mysteriously.  with a fwdozen more line of code
> 	they could at least fail more gracefully.

you can always do 

find /tmp/kde-*/ -iname "*wav" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -vf

the advantage over doing using rm * or for * in ... is that if you have LOTS of files, the expanded list of files may be too much. find | xargs will deal with each file in turn. ( -print0 and -0 is to use NULL char as a list delimiter instead of space... ).

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

"A problem cannot be solved with the same type of thinking that created it."
  Albert Einstein

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