adaptec embedded sata, 6.2 install

Derek Ragona derek at
Fri Jan 25 14:35:34 PST 2008

At 03:25 PM 1/25/2008, Josh Tremor wrote:
>Apologies in advance for too much info.
>I have a machine by SuperMicro with an adaptec embedded sata that the
>manufacturer set to RAID 1 on two 149 GB drives.
>I boot the machine, wait for the configuration checker to finish
>looking at the array, which says the array is healthy, and then I can
>use the 6.2 install discs to set up the partitions and install all of
>the packages I choose.  Everything seems fine, but then after
>sysinstall finishes and reboots, I get the message 'Operating System
>Not Found'.  I can't seem to capture a dmesg output to see what I did
>The drives are WD caviar SE 1600 but I'm not sure what to do for the
>geometry.  What gets reported for a geometry is 310101/16/63 and fdisk
>reports 19457 cyls/255 heads/63 sectors.  The system has Embedded
>Adaptec SATA BIOS v.5 and I set the partitions as such:
>/  20G
>swap  30G
>/tmp  3G
>/home  10G
>/opt  40G
>/var  10G
>/boot 7
>/usr  29G
>Thanks for any clue.

The boot sector and MBR is not getting written to the disks.  Make sure you 
have nothing in the BIOS on the motherboard or the adaptec BIOS preventing 
the boot sector being written.  Typically in BIO's this is some type of 
boot sector virus protection.

Also, since 6.3 is released, why don't you install 6.3 instead?


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