6.3-STABLE Apache 2.0 uses high CPU when restarted....

Forrest Aldrich forrie at forrie.com
Fri Feb 22 17:26:51 UTC 2008

Mel wrote:
> [ .. ]
> Could you disable the accelerator? Can't say I've seen this one before. Just 
> add a semi colon ';' in front of the module, leave the order in tact. If it 
> still dumps core, then the imap one.
> You might have to recompile php and all the modules with debugging support to 
> find out what's being free'd there.
Interesting, the extension=eaccelerator.so line went missing in 
/usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini, so I added it.  NOW all I get is this:

# php -v
PHP Fatal error:  [eAccelerator] eAccelerator can not be loaded 
twice in Unknown on line 0

but it's not listed twice there.  I'll keep looking around.... do you 
know where it might be reloading this?



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