thankee, thankee!

Gary Kline kline at
Tue Feb 19 05:46:28 UTC 2008

Giorgos, Joe, Paul , and Tim,

Thanks for your insights today, gentlemen.  I began on what may be a very
worthwhile [ and reasonably small, *thankfully*] program that may benefit
everybody who reads text online.   Or off, for that matter.   I was using
a shareware version that kept annoying me to shovel $$$ their way when I
finally got PO'd enough to do my own version.  The algorithm comes first,
naturally.  Then the data structs|classes|<whatever>.   ---I do prelim
coding while I'm planning;  helps me figure things out.

GUI: yes, I will need help with eventually; for now, going back and forth
from that tts app,  KTTSmgr(?) and the other shareware, I kept improving
the dickens out of my thesis.    Soooo.... see what happens.  No offense
to those of us who have hacked out man pages or other docs, but I'm
pretty sure that using these tools will inddeed help improve the online 
documentation _considerably_.


  Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix

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