compiling 32 bit port on amd64 - Rephrase

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Mon Feb 18 22:27:40 UTC 2008

> Is there a way to compile the 32 bit version (i386) of a port on an amd64
> installation?  I am running FreeBSD 7.0 RC2 amd64

very stupid (i don't know better) way but will work.

unpack all freebsd disto to say /i386, use from installation CD
this way

DESTDIR=/i386 ./

in every dir (exclude sys and sources).

unpack port directories in /i386/usr/ports

(if you use portsnap, portsnap -d /i386/usr/ports extract)

make empty /i386/etc/fstab
cp /etc/resolv.conf /i386/etc/resolv.conf

mount_devfs devfs /i386/dev

cd /i386
chroot . bin/your_favourite_shell
cd /usr/ports

compile as usual.

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