NDIS and wifi doesnt work

DSA - JCR juancr at dsa.es
Mon Feb 18 19:04:27 UTC 2008

Hi all

Freebsd 6.3 RC2 (DesktopBSD 1.6)
Laptop: Samsung Q35
WIFI: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
ADSL with WIFI working

In order to use the wifi included in this laptop i use NDIS with the MS
Windows drivers and produced the file "w39n51_sys.ko". The MS driver has
one INF and one SYS files and also one DLL files. I have used only the INF
and SYS files. must I use the DLL file also?

I copied to "/boot/modules" and in "/boot/loader.conf" put the line


as the handbook says, but this does not work, my laptop hungs at boot time.

Then I tried to load manually the module

kldload w39n51_sys.ko

then ifconfig shows the ndis0 with NO carrier, and my laptop works fine.
But I can not detect any WIFI with "ifconfig ndis0 scan"

Maybe I am doing something wrong, what?

Is there a driver for this wireless device? where?

thanks in advance

Juan Coruña
Desarrollo de Software Atlantico

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