Build part of a port.
Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at
Tue Feb 12 19:12:51 UTC 2008
Hash: SHA256
Peter Clark wrote:
I am building a 7.0-RC1 FreeBSD LDAP server. I have installed OpenLDAP
> from ports and now want to move on to the wed front end. I am using
> Litespeed as the webserver (built from source), PHP-5 (built from source
> and customized) and would like to install phpldapadmin. There is a port
> for it but the port (and some of it's dependencies) will try to install
> the php5 port and the apache port. Is there a way to install
> phpldapadmin from ports while telling it (and it's dependencies) I have
> php5 already installed and not to install apache?
Unfortunately the port doesn't really offer any alternative to using the
port's version of PHP as a dependency. There isn't really any alternative
way to do that sort of thing given the current structure of PHP in the
ports tree.
You've got two choices, basically. Either give up on the idea of compiling
your own PHP stuff, or install phpldapadmin outside the ports system. Given
you've undertaken to maintain your PHP environment without the advantages
provided from ports, maintaining phpldapadmin outside the ports as well
is just a little extra work.
On the other hand, examine well the configuration you've generated for
your custom PHP install -- dollars to doughnuts you could generate something
as near as dammit by a suitable combination of php-related ports and judicious
application of build flags via /etc/make.conf. Doing it all the ports way
makes the maintenance a lot easier over time.
- --
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 7 Priory Courtyard
Flat 3
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