Libnet in FreeBSD

Mel fbsd.questions at
Mon Feb 4 18:29:35 UTC 2008

On Monday 04 February 2008 18:54:49 Bhuvaneswari Ramkumar wrote:

> I'm trying to work with Libnet in BSD, I ftped the package, did a
> ./configure and a make install and things seemed to be fine.
> But when I try to compile a simple application, I get a msg : " undefined
> reference :libnet_init" , actually it looks like it doesnt recognize any of
> the libnet functions calls. Am I missing something here ?  or is there
> something else to be done about getting libnet to run here ?

Could you show the entire compile line, you're likely to miss -L/usr/local, 
but there may be other things.

Also helps to know what you use for you simple application: bsd's make with a 
Makefile, gmake with a Makefile or just type commands by hand.


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