sed html tags
Yuri Pankov
yuri.pankov at
Tue Aug 26 06:20:05 UTC 2008
An wrote:
> unfortunately not... see:
> # cat file
> <span xxxx> 111 </span> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span>
> # sed -e 's/<\/?span[^>]*>//g' file
> <span xxxx> 111 </span> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span>
> (...nothing happens, the file is returned with no substitutions done)
> I could do it with a perl script, which basically does what i would expect
> sed would do:
> # cat
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> $text = "<span xxxx> 111 </span> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span> <span xxxx>
> 111 </span> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span>";
> $text =~ s/<span x[^>]*>[^\(<\/span>\)]*[\s]*<\/span>[\s]*//g;
> print $text . "\n"
$text =~ s#<span xxxx>.*?</span>\s*##g;
> # perl
> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span>
> " <span xxx> ..... </span> " is removed... but i don't seem to be able to do
> it with sed... : (
regexps in sed are greedy and, sadly, you can't use *? as quantifier.
try the following (adding characters that can be inside your 'xxxx'
tags, of course):
sed 's#<span xxxx>[ a-zA-Z0-9]*</span>[ ]*##g'
> Im on fedora c9, maybe that's the problem ?
> siran
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:35 PM, Paul A. Procacci <pprocacci at>wrote:
>> siran wrote:
>>> Hi, I have the string
>>> <span xxxx> 111 </span> 2222 <span yyyy> 3333 </span>
>>> And i wish to use sed to strip *only* the "<span xxxx>" tag and its
>>> contents... is this possible ? I'm trying this expression, but it
>>> doesn't work...
>>> sed 's/<span xxxx[^\(</span>\)]+<\/span>//g' file
>>> is there anything like it ?
>>> I would like to obtain
>>> 2222
>>> I hope someone can help,
>>> thank you,
>>> siran
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>> sed -E 's/<\/?span[^>]*>//g'
>> Myabe that's what you want?
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