need help debugging port mapping/server setup
Kevin Smith
k2msmith at
Sat Aug 16 04:24:49 UTC 2008
Thanks to Doug and help from others..problem solved...
With the help of tcpdump, I learned that packets from ssh were arriving at
the host, however the port was being blocked by the local firewall which I
configured to open. The packet forwarding from the router was working all
the time.
On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Kevin Smith <k2msmith at> wrote:
> I have my freebsd system configured with a static IP behind an Apple
> Airport Extreme router using ethernet connection rather than wireless.
> I am trying to set up dynamic dns (with service) and I
> would like to open port 80 and others so that I can use my freebsd
> system as a web server.
> My freebsd system is set up with ddclient to associate dynamic ip
> address of router (I have DHCP connection to my ISP, the local
> connnection to my freebsd sytem is static ip address.
> Everything appears to be working and I am able to try to telnet the
> dyndns hostname and it returns the correct address of my router, but
> it does not appear that the router is forwarding the port request to
> the freebsd system. The port tools on the website for
> return that the ports I am testing are closed. (80, 21, 23)
> How do I debug this ? The AE router as a syslog that I have set for
> the highest level of debugging, but I do not see any port mapping
> requests in the. The router is set of for NAT enabled and I have
> entered the static IP address of my freebsd system associated with the
> desired ports that I want. A call to my ISP confirmed (at least they
> told me) that they do not block any ports.
> Any ideas on where to start ?
> Thanks!
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