useradd & adduser

Jonathan McKeown jonathan at
Thu Apr 17 07:02:25 UTC 2008

On Thursday 17 April 2008 08:35, Ruel Luchavez wrote:
> Hello,
> I keep on thinking guys what is the difference between useradd & adduser
> command?


You really need to start reading the documentation. FreeBSD is about the best 
documented operating system and environment there is, and the Handbook will 
tell you just about everything you need to know.

If you keep coming to freebsd-questions and expecting to be spoon-fed answers 
you've obviously made no effort to look for, people will start to lose 

The main difference between useradd and adduser is that useradd doesn't exist 
(at least, not on any of the FreeBSD boxes I'm running which range from 4.9 
(hideous legacy cruft) to 6.3).


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