Using FreeBSD's make under Linux

Michaël Le Barbier michael.le_barbier at
Sat Apr 12 15:55:30 UTC 2008

Hi folks,

a few years ago, I tried to use FreeBSD's make under GNU/Linux, and  
to `jpd' on c.u.b.f.misc, I managed to build FreeBSD 4.7's make under
some GNU/Linux systems. Having a couple makefiles using make's features
that were introduced after 4.7, I would like to build a more up-to-date,

Before I start, I am double checking nobody has done the job yet, and  
nobody has it in the works. So, if you know anything about this, I  
would be very happy you share the info with me!

By the way, I am not sure the way FreeBSD's make program should be  
called: the divine documentation in the PSD refers to `pmake', as  
well as some source files, but Mac OS X uses `bsdmake', and in many  
FreeBSD's docs it is just `make'.
Thanks for your kind attention,

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