Problem In Saving "inted.conf" .

Pollywog lists-fbsd at
Mon Apr 7 18:56:24 UTC 2008

On Monday 07 April 2008 18:01:18 behnam zahabi wrote:
> Hello
> I have this problem:
> When i make change in ''inted.conf'' (delete ''#'' ) i can't save this file
> (when i want to save, it say unable to create file).
>   I think it happens because this file is read only, how can i disable
> this?

If you are using vi or vim to edit the file, I believe putting a ! after the 
command to save the file (do this as the root user or use sudo) will save it.
So instead of :wq in vi, use :wq!

Another way of saving the file is to do (as root)

chmod u+w /etc/inetd.conf

before you edit the file


chmod 600 /etc/inetd.conf

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you in learning UNIX commands.

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