Bootloader not working on Compaq Proliant ML330 G2

Ján Šebošík sebosik at
Fri Apr 4 22:30:28 UTC 2008

Hi all

I`ve tried to install FreeBSD 7 on Compaq Proliant ML330 G2 server, but 
it won`t boot. FreeBSD boot0 beeps after pressing F1, or F2 (got 2 
partitions) key. So i`ve installed grub on another machine, but than it 
says "Error 5" only in Proliant, I don`t even get grub command prompt.

HDD`s (2 x 250G) are connected to Parallel ATA on ServerWorks CSB5 
controller (it`s not onboard controller). When I connected drives to 
onboad controller they got some problem with DMA TIMEOUT.

Any tip/hint/idea will be great.

PS: Is there any way how to debug Bootloader?

Best regards
Jan Sebosik, Slovakia
sebosik at

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