php failing to produce phpinfo()

Miguel Segura miguel.playbsd at
Sun Sep 30 15:16:45 PDT 2007

bob wrote:
> My business has been using PHP for years.  Mysql outputs to my 
> browser, where I can print invoices, bills and any business statitic.
> Suddenly, my browser started acting funny.  I don't know how to use 
> the repair disk to fix a problem, so I reinstalled FreeBSD-6.1.  It 
> still works the same except I can't get phpinfo() to display in the 
> browser.  I can do php -i, which displays several pages of PHP code.  
> That means PHP is working.  I don't use CGI or PHP scripts.  If 
> phpinfo() doesn't show up in my browser, I can't do anything.
> The following is in /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf:
> LoadModule php5_module
> AddModule mod_php5.c
> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
> DirectoryIndex index.html
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> The httpd.error.log doesn't show any problems.  Thre are 35 modules in 
> /usr/local/libexec/apache including and httpd.exp.  Php.ini 
> is installed at /usr/local/lib
> This time I installed mysql-5.1, apache-1.3 and PHP-5.1.  I used 
> "pkg_add -r" to install apache and mysql.  Apache and mysql work 
> excellent.  I installed PHP from Both PHP4 and PHP5 would 
> fail to load the phpinfo() file. I installed PHP-5.1 from the ports 
> directory.  Same problem.   I ordered FreeBSD-6.1, before it was 
> available.  The FreeBSD Mall had it, but wasn't promoting it yet.
> About 2 years ago when I first installed FreeBSD-6.1, I installed 
> mysql-4.0, PHP-4 and apache-1.3 on FreeBSD-6.1.  I used "pkg_add -r" 
> to install apache and mysql and I downloaded PHP-4 from  
> Everything worked, including PHP.  Two years ago, was 
> supplying any version of PHP including older versions of PHP-4.  I 
> installed  older versions because they worked.
> Now only supplies the latest version.
> thanks for any help,
> bob
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> uname -a says: FreeBSD localhost 6.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE #0: 
> SUN MAY 7 04:32:43 UTC 20 06 
> root at i386
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Did you stop and start apache ?

apachectl stop
apachectl start


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