7.0-CURRENT Ports Collection?

Kris Kennaway kris at FreeBSD.org
Sat Sep 29 12:29:57 PDT 2007

James Jeffery wrote:
> Does 7.0 come with a disk for the Ports Collection or would they have
> to be downloaded from the internet?

When it is released you will be able to buy a CD set containing some of 
the packages, but if you are downloading then you will have to use the 
usual methods for adding them (pkg_add -r, etc).

> Im having trouble getting packages from the web, lots of errors when i
> try to install them. Everything seems dependant on everything else.

Well yeah, lots of packages do :)

> Once i get the SSH to work i will post some output. But for now, is there
> a problem installing packages on 7.0?

Not in general.  Get back to us when you have more details.


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