If the mirror sites (all four I've tried now from all over the world) have the FreeBSD 6.1 downloads contain the FreeBSD4.11 image, how is one supposed to download V6.1?

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at ceid.upatras.gr
Thu Sep 27 18:18:24 PDT 2007

% Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:23:28 +1200
% Message-ID: <46FC4980.7080309 at net24.co.nz>
% From: Brett Davidson <brett at net24.co.nz>
% Subject: If the mirror sites (all four I've tried now from all over the
%         world)
%         have the FreeBSD 6.1 downloads contain the FreeBSD4.11 image, how is one
%         supposed to download V6.1?
% To: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
% I, for one, would really like to get a copy of FreeBSD 6.1.
% :-)

Hi Brett,

Please do not include *MOST* of your message text in the subject and
then just a seemingly 'out of place' continuation of that text in the
email body.  It looks kind of silly in some mail readers, and it is
generally frowned upon by many 'old timers' of email :-)

Where did you look for the 'image' downloads?

I just connected to ftp.FreeBSD.org using Firefox, and the listing of
the directory at:



| Index of ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386
| --------------------------------------------------------
| Up to higher level directory
| Directory: 2.2.9-RELEASE                        10/24/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 4.11 moved to ftp-archive            10/24/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 5.0-CURRENT                          10/24/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 5.3 has moved to ftp-archive         10/24/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 5.4 moved to ftp-archive             10/25/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 5.5-RELEASE                          10/24/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 6.0 moved to ftp-archive             10/25/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 6.1-RELEASE                          10/24/06  00:00:00
| Directory: 6.2-RELEASE                          01/13/07  00:00:00
| Directory: ISO-IMAGES                           10/24/06  00:00:00
| File: README.TXT                          1 KB  11/23/05  00:00:00

The "ISO-IMAGES" directory contains ISO images for 6.1 and a few more

What seems to be the problem with finding non-6.1 releases?

- Giorgos

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